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Most Polished Hack Hack Nights Spring 2018 co-hosted with ACV Auctions

Prize: Dell 23.8" Screen Monitors for up to 4 teammates


RFID Wedding Invitation
We created a hardware and software system in which guests are able to check into the wedding and learn their seating arrangement with their wedding invitation. The guests will scan their wedding invitation, which is equipped with an RFID tag, on the Arduino system. The program creates the executable file that initiates our hardware to scan the ID of the RFID tag. RGB light and speaker in the Arduino signals the user once the tag is correctly scanned. Once scanned, the ID is searched and matched to the table (seat) ID in the database. The program interface displays a specific seating of the guest. Each interface matches the table theme (game characters).
Battlestar Galactica simulator
Simulating the episode "33"
Android App that lets you meet other people. Other users are displayed by their distance to you, and you can chat with them and see what events they are hosting.
Automated Modal Reasoner
This program takes user-inputted lists of formalized sentences and tells you whether the sentences are consistent or form a valid argument in Propositional Modal Logic (S5 Axiom System). The decision procedure for modal formulas is original. (The implementation for the non-modal formulas is based on the pen-and-pencil decision procedure from Richard Jeffrey's 1990 book.) Coded in Python. This project should especially be considered for Most Polished Hack, since it takes sentences in infix notation and converts them to Polish notation (a prefix notation with letters for logical operators) for easier parsing and manipulating, before returning the result.
People are surrounded by music, and their choice of music generally depends on their mood. We have come up with our app, Calmusic, that is going to rejuvenate your mind instantly. Our app provides a carefully selected playlist of songs that is targeted towards individuals who suffer from emotional and mental distress in life. The songs act as an aid to uplift individuals emotionally. The app is designed to be highly user-friendly, where the user can choose what songs to play, and next and previous buttons to skip through songs. In summary, Calmusic is a special Audio Player for individuals who feel down.
Asteroid Quest!
An experiment with temporal mining technology has gone wrong, leaving you stranded across dimensions in a strange galaxy. Pilot your ship through each sector, claiming resources and power to fuel your trip home. Traverse across space and activate beacons to unlock the path between dimensions. Succeed, and bring whatever wealth you can amass back with you.
Web application for voting/endorsing (endorse... hendoors).
Calendar Generator
Calendar Generator allows you to search for and select the classes that you are enrolled in order to generates an iCalendar file (.ics) that can be used by calendar applications such as Google Calendar, or even native calendar applications on mobile devices. The generated calendar includes the weekly recurrences or each class from the day of the first class to the last class of the semester, as well as information about the instructor, course section, and location of the course.
Custom RISC CPU, Assembler, and Simulator
In a collaboration for CSE 443 Compilers and CSE 490 Computer Architecture, the reduced instruction set architecture Smallpond has been born, and a toolchain for the ISA has been built. It has now been implemented on the Digilent Basys 3 FPGA development board with gdb debug, and a flexible assembler and simulator framework has been written in Java which allows for quick changes to the ISA. In fact, with the redefinition of a few classes, an entirely new ISA can be created and simulated with this Java program. Features of the processor: gdb-like debug, memory mapped IO, UART connectivity, interesting special purpose registers.
ChatSE - StackExchange Chat App
An Android app for StackExchange/StackOverflow chat! Not many people know that StackExchange has a chat system. I first got introduced to hackathons and gained a lot of experience from a chat room on StackOverflow ( I took on a project my friend was not longer able to work on and made it into a functioning Android app! Built in Kotlin, the app has all the features the website has, plus more! I'll be ready to release this very soon :)